Benefits of a Birth Doula
Clinical studies show that the support of a doula results in:
Reduced use of pain medications
Reduced chance of a c-section by 30 %
Decrease in the length of labor
Reduce the need for medical interventions or augmentations
Higher breastfeeding rates
Higher satisfaction with birth experience
Reduced rates of postpartum depression/anxiety
Doulas can:
Educate you on childbirth, body preparation, community resources, as well as your options and rights at your birth setting
Assist you with completing a birth plan to best communicate your preferences to providers
Suggest different positions & techniques to ease pain and encourage labor progression
Offer encouragement and affirmations
Help you understand what is happening in your body
Gather information you need to make informed decisions
Facilitate positive & effective communication between you and your care providers

Benefits of a Postpartum Doula
Clinical studies show that the support of a doula results in:
Higher rates of breastfeeding success
Reduced rates of postpartum depression/anxiety
Less stressful transition into new roles for family members
Positively impact a mother's physical recovery from birth
Doulas can provide:​
Breast/bottle feeding support
Soothing/sleep techniques
Newborn care guidance & education
Selfcare (i.e. sleep, showering, quiet time alone or with baby, etc.)
Light household work/organization
Meal preparation
Screening & support for perinatal mood & anxiety disorders
Assistance with errands/appointments
Community resource referrals
Older sibling support & transitions
Baby-wearing education

As doulas, we serve individuals during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. We provide individuals and their support system with gentle, continuous, and judgment-free physical, emotional and educational support. Our goal is for every client to be informed, prepared and confident in their body and birth... as well as prepared and supported in their postpartum period.
Support. Nurture. Educate.

Photo by Annica Quackenbush from Sprout & Blossom Birth