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Writer: AdminAdmin

Updated: Nov 20, 2020

This information is in regards to the three hospital systems that serve the majority of Grand Rapids, Michigan and the surrounding areas in Kent County.

Information is changing rapidly, sometimes daily, due to COVID-19 and every effort is being taken to keep this page up-to-date. Please reach out to your hospital that you will be birthing at to get the latest visitation policies

NOTE: This post is not an endorsement of Doulas being in the hospitals, it is merely informational. We are all living in an unprecedented time, and all of us (including Doulas) are making the best decisions for their health, their family's health and the health of their clients. Due to the current Executive Order of "Stay Home - Stay Safe", the majority of doulas have gone to providing virtual support to clients during birth & postpartum for the health & safety of the greater community. Please inquire with your doula to learn more about how it has impacted their implementation of services. Governor Whitmer's Executive Order 2020-37 does allow for Doulas who pass a health evaluation to enter a labor & delivery room. However, every hospital has the right to make further restrictions on those who enter the hospital.

**Updated 11/10/2020**

Mercy Health - Grand Rapids

CONTACT #: 616.685.5000

ENTRY POINT: The main lobby in the front of the hospital is now open 24-hours. Birthing individuals will enter and exit here during their stay. The ER is no longer being utilized for birth entry after 9pm.

VISITATION POLICY: Birthing individuals will be allowed ONE visitors in with them. All individuals will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19.

DOULA POLICY: Doulas are being allowed in the hospital, will need to bring their Doula certification with them. Doulas will NOT be allowed in if patient is COVID positive.

PLACENTA SERVICES: Individuals who provide placenta encapsulation services are still able to pick up the placenta in the turn-around just outside of the Main Lobby.

VIRTUAL TOUR (if you didn't get a chance to tour the facility, this is great!)

BIRTH PLAN TEMPLATE (Mercy Health has a template that you can utilize and share with your provider)

Mercy Health Birth Suite

Spectrum Health - Butterworth

CONTACT #: 866.989.7999

ENTRY POINT: All birthing individuals will enter and leave through The Women's Center entrance.

VISITATION POLICY: Birthing individuals will be allowed ONE visitor in with them during birth and postpartum. COVID POSITIVE BIRTHING INDIVIDUALS Are allowed ONE visitor, they will not be allowed to come-and-go as they please (so please make sure to pack all the essentials!). All individuals will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19. Pregnant individuals will be rapid Covid tested.

DOULA POLICY: Doulas are being allowed into the labor & delivery room. Doulas should bring evidence of their certification.

PLACENTA SERVICES: Individuals who provide placenta encapsulation services are still able to pick up the placenta in the lobby of the Women's Center entrance.

Spectrum Health Natural Birth Suite

UofM - Metro Health (main campus)

CONTACT #: 616.525.7184

ENTRY POINT: All birthing individuals will enter the hospital via the ER entrance (day-time & night-time hours). After screening, you will be directed to registration and then taken to the Birth Center floor.

VISITATION POLICY: Birthing individuals will be allowed ONE support visitor in with them. All individuals will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19.

DOULA POLICY: Case-by-Case basis; Clients with Birth Doulas should request that their Doula to speak with the Nurse Manager (Renee 616.252.7265) prior to delivery to discuss entry into the hospital to help support their client. Will need proof of certification, etc. Doulas will NOT be allowed in if patient is COVID positive.

PLACENTA SERVICES: Individuals who provide placenta encapsulation services are still able to pick up the placenta, coordinate with client as to where it can be picked up (may be ER entrance).

UofM - Metro Birth Suite

Holland Hospital

CONTACT #: 616.392.5141

ENTRY POINT: All birthing individuals will enter the hospital via the ER entrance (day-time & night-time hours). After screening, you will be directed to registration and then taken to the Birth Center floor.

VISITATION POLICY: Birthing individuals will be allowed ONE support visitor in with them. All individuals will be screened for symptoms of COVID-19.

DOULA POLICY: Doulas are being allowed in with proof of certification.

PLACENTA SERVICES: Individuals who provide placenta encapsulation services are still able to pick up the placenta, coordinate with client as to where it can be picked up (may be Main Visitor Entrance or the ER entrance).

*Carrie is a Birth & Postpartum Doula, and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist that serves the Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. She also serves as Director of the Maternal Wellness Program, a non-profit group that provides support for perinatal mood disorders and pregnancy/infant loss.


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