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Writer: AdminAdmin

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

When difficult times are upon us, we come together as a community. In this case, it needs to be virtually. Many of our West Michigan providers recognize this and are stepping up to offer their services virtually!

Below you will find a list of professionals offering virtual services from right here in your West Michigan backyard and others from all over the U.S.!

** This list will be updated as new virtual options are available | Updated 11/29/2020**



*some doulas are still providing in-person support, please verify with them*

Ginger Blossom Doula Services - Birth/Postpartum support & Placenta Encapsulation

Ginger Hollemans LLC - Birth support/counseling

Gold Coast Doulas - Birth/Postpartum support

The Family Doula - Birth support

BMCH Doula - Birth support

Alyssa Zapata Birth Services - Birth/Postpartum support

Gold Coast Doulas - HypnoBirth class/newborn care/comfort measures

Sister Birth - Embrace Birth Course - homebirth/faith-based birth course

West Michigan Midwifery - online homebirth education classes

Genesis Birth Services - FREE childbirth education classes every month for the month of April (Spanish option!)

Everyday Miracles - Newborn basic/Child Birth Basics

VBACfacts - education for individuals trying for a vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC)

MI Born & Raised - comprehensive childbirth education, breastfeeding, and Newborn Care class available plus Evidence Based Birth seminars and comfort measures classes

Motherboard - information on pregnancy, birth & labor options

My Kind of Birth - natural birth techniques course

Carriage House Birth - childbirth education

Train for Birth - for expectant mothers who desire an all natural birth experience

The Maternal Wellness Program - online support groups for pregnant & postpartum women struggling anxiety/depression and pregnancy & infant loss support.

MomsBloom, INC. - Virtual practical and emotional support for families of newborns.

Michigan Statewide Perinatal Mood Disorder Coalition - resources for individuals struggling with anxiety & depression during pregnancy and after birth.

Counseling Center of West Michigan - virtual sessions available

Postpartum Support International - resources for perinatal mood & anxiety disorders

Ginger Hollemans, LLC - virtual counseling services

The Bloom Foundation - online groups for pmad, loss, moms of multiples, etc.


Baby Beloved, INC. - IBCLC/breastfeeding classes/pumping classes

Gold Coast Doulas - breastfeeding class

Randi Mikesell - Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (616-214-0555 -or-

Reagan Gielincki - IBCLC virtual support

New Little Life - breastfeeding class

Land of Milk & Mommy - breastfeeding consultations & classes

Blooma - virtual Lactation support group

Love Brings You Home - donation based lactation support, cloth diapering info, etc.

Carriage House Birth - Newborn care & infant feeding


Renew Mama Studio - prenatal yoga, barre, etc.

Expecting & Empowered - exercise for pregnant & postpartum women

Fit4Mom GR - virtual fitness classes

The Hiva Yoga - yoga classes via Facebook

Mamas and Misses - programs for during pregnancy and postpartum from a physical therapist

Knocked Up Fitness - offers some free pregnant and postpartum exercises

The Bloom Method - post pregnancy workouts

Coco Marie Pilates - prenatal & postpartum Pilates classes

Breathe Balance Birth - prenatal yoga

Everyday Miracles - prenatal yoga

Compassionate Beginnings - prenatal & postnatal yoga

amYoga - yoga

Little Feet: Movement for Developing Mind - a caregiver-child creative movement program for children ages 3 months to 4 years old.

Carriage House Birth - Pregnant support group, new parent support group


Babywearing Grand Rapids - support with baby wearing questions & products

LittleFeet - Movement for Developing Minds

Mothership - Friends with Health Benefits Support Groups - Virtual connection and support in English and Spanish for moms-to-be, new moms, and parents of young children

Moms In The Making - Faith based online infertility support

Fit4Mom GR - virtual group calendar



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