Ginger Blossom Doula Services is proud to provide safe & professional placental preparation services to individuals in the Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. I believe your placenta is precious and irreplaceable. That's why safety is our #1 priority and we maintain up-to-date certifications in Safe Sanitation practices, Safe Food Handling and Bloodborne Pathogen Prevention (specialized for placenta specialists and doulas), so clients can be confident that their placenta is prepared with the highest quality of care.
A $75 retainer fee is required at contract signing and applied to your total cost.

Placenta Encapsulation $275
Placenta Encapsulation is the basic service of preparing the placenta to be ingested in capsule form. Individuals who encapsulate and consume their placentas often report boosts in energy, feelings of wellness and balanced moods, quick and smooth postpartum recoveries, and sometimes a boost milk supply. Steamed & Raw preparation is available!
All capsules come with complimentary umbilical cord keepsake !
**Additional rate may apply for those outside of Kent County**
Flavored Capsules $10
Excited about all the great things that come from placenta encapsulation, but not the taste of pills? We offer flavored capsules as an option to help with that!​ Clients can pick from the following flavors:

Herbal Salves $25
Made with high grade all organic ingredients, a salve can be used for perineal tears, cesarean wounds, sore nipples, rashes, it reduces inflammation, relieves pain and so much more! A little goes a long way and this will last you and baby a long time!
Placenta Tincture $25*
A must-have!!! Placenta tinctures are perfect as part of a long-term postpartum wellness plan to aid and support long after your placenta capsules are gone! With an indefinite shelf life, Placenta Tinctures have been used to beneficial for managing menopausal symptoms, PMS, insomnia, emotional/mental transitions, hormone stabilization, stress, depression, etc.
Organic Peri-Spray $20
This organic peri-spray is a a must-have for your postpartum recovery, providing temporary relief in to the perineum and other sensitive areas.A cooling combo of organic witch hazel, aloe and organic essential oils, the spray helps with postpartum and perineal discomfort. Mist as often as needed, especially after bath or toilet use.